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Living Your Sensory Life Ft. Dr. Winnie Dunn Jan 10, 2023

This week on Making the Shift we have a super special guest…. (drumroll please).... OT and author of the Sensory Profile Dr. Winnie Dunn!!


On this episode, we're discussing...

How Dr. Winnie Dunn got her start and her work on sensation patterns...

How sensation patterns are...

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5 Ways to Boost Team Collaboration in the New Year Jan 03, 2023

On this episode, we'll explore...

The importance of working together as a team to help children meet their goals...

Why we should focus on team collaboration...

Our 5 tips for boosting team collaboration...


For tickets to our upcoming Making the Shift Virtual Seminar, click here.


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10 Ways To Become ND Affirming Nov 03, 2022

When I present on neurodiversity affirming practices I usually get a lot of questions. And I realized they all boil down to 10 topic areas. 

On this episode of Making the Shift, I go through each area and explain why these are so important when becoming ND affirming. 

Here are some...

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