[Quick Tip] How I Became the Most Effective SLP for Autistic Kids (& a Special Invitation for You!)

Season #1

Today we're talking about the core pillars of being the most effective, neurodiversity affirming SLP. There's so much to know...where should we start?! I'm sharing exactly what accelerated my transformation as a therapist, and what propelled the progress in my clients. If you are ready to become the most effective, affirming SLP then we would love to see you at our upcoming event: Inside Out Sensory Course Live. In this virtual training, you will gain incredible knowledge in sensory for SLPs (from foundations to assessment to treatment) in an immersive, interactive experience alongside other passionate therapists! Register now to save $200 with Early Bird Pricing! Early Bird ends on Monday, November 4th...so save your seat now! Click below & use the code EARLYBIRD200 to save $200! https://www.sensoryslp.com/sensory-certificate-course-virtual