Ep. 79 Sensory Breaks for the Classroom

Season #1

One of the biggest questions therapists and teachers have is how to accommodate sensory needs in group settings. Obviously we need to do that. But trying to consider the preferences of every child in the classroom can feel daunting and sometimes near impossible. And I get it. But what if I told you there is actually an easy solution. If we actually take a proactive approach to planning our daily routines, we can (oftentimes) prevent dysregulation from ever occurring. Want to learn how to do this?? On this episode of Making the Shift, I'm going to be talking all about supporting sensory needs in the classroom.

If you're an SLP and want to learn more about supporting your clients' sensory needs, click here to take Jessie's free sensory training for SLPs: https://www.sensoryslp.com/store