Ep. 72: How Do You Transition Autistic Kids?
If you work with kids, you know how hard transitions can be. For some kids, hearing a statement like “In five more minutes, we’re going to line up and go back to class” might not be a big deal. But those of us who work with Autistic children understand that some kids can experience more difficulties transitioning than others. I get asked at least once a week how to handle transitions. So this week on Making the Shift, we're discussing why transitions are so hard, the best (and worst) way to use visuals when transitioning between activities, how to replace the countdown and teach kids to transition themselves, and more... Check out Jessie's ASHA article here: https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/replacing-the-countdown-for-young-kids-with-autism/full/