Ep. 10: The Language Staircase to Access Higher Level Communication

Season #1

Want to help your autistic kids climb out of "rote language land" and up to the top of "novel and creative communication peak"? Then come join us for the next episode of Making the Shift where we'll explore the exact steps you can take to elevate your kids' ability to use higher level language — starting in your very next session! You can finally help your autistic kids reach higher level language by helping them climb these simple steps! In this week’s live, you'll find out:

✔ Why helping a child develop memorized "rote" language isn't enough (and why it's important to strive for more)...

✔ The commonly overlooked but extremely important prerequisites to basic and higher level communication (without knowing these, it can be impossible to help kids develop higher level language)...

✔ About the "holes" in autistic children's communication ability (and how you can begin to help fill them)...

✔ The role of intrinsic motivation in enabling novel and creative communication (and strategies for building internal motivation in your kids)...

✔ PLUS, concrete and practical strategies for improving regulation, engagement and higher level language development in sessions (so you can start seeing transformed sessions as early as tomorrow)...